The indispensable compagnion for SolidWorks
CAD is a container for structured engineering data.
But CAD modeling applications don't let you enrich your CAD models with valuable and necessary custom engineering data.
KAFA solves this problem.
With KAFA, you can easily enrich your CAD models with vital supplementary data for reuse in any engineering activity. Easily add custom documents, images, videos, hyperlinks, tolernace information, design rationale, notes, etc. onto any selectable object on your CAD models.
This supplementary data can either be integrated into the CAD model, or managed independently. Moreover, a single CAD model can be associated with multiple KAFA models.
KAFA enables you to document, enrich and extend CAD models. This also facilitates communication between engineers, departments and systems
... a centralized knowledge-base to store, share and reuse context-sentive engineering data ...